
Our destiny should not be an obstacle for our progress, it's facade of our life that we can change as long as we live by choosing another facade to the same life.

between clouds and pasture


We shouldn't lose the hope ..once when we have decided to reach a dream,,because if we tried to do that so  we did already something  worthy and to continue it is only hopeful thing.


Stress is not only our fear of expectations from ourselves,, as much as our expectations from others.


When you can't give  more strength to those around you ,,you can't give them love properly.


When we lose anything we find it the same again. Only time if we lose it we find it again a hard time because we wasted it stupidly.





If we didn't understand yet  how independent individuals  instinctively we are, we can't see what  is behind the restriction of dependency, and there would be much of our natural resources.

words ,,kalimat,,,

letter,, has been read


We may get help of others all the time, but to make a decision is always our resposibility that we are going to undertake by ourselves. And without deciding our life we are not going to make it. Thats why it's always worthy to strive in order to maintain our life through our decisions.


We don't be convinced easily but till we see the real difficulty was hidden beyond our old perceptions. Though we have to learn  to be adaptable to take risks and go on proving our capability to pass the difficulty.


We know we can't realize every dream as we can't ignore every idea,  but if we paid attention to an idea then we could realize new ideas.


Not every noisiness to provoke us is a voice we need to hear. When we  stop listening to voices  from surrounding for long, that almost means that we need to hear a new  and objective voice.


When probabilities and assumptions don't play big role that means our  feelings overwhelmed the leadership of our thoughts.


I have searched for picture that can satisfy my desires and my passion to live the life to the maximum. I found that I have seen such picture earlier in my life thought my desires which were greedy in more,,and then it hurted my soul,,even if I knew the truth later after this search and this journey.



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