
All this tension in a scen of film I have gone through in reality just because we all should experience it once in our life in order to make the final scen of our film.


All moments of my life,,moments of peace and war should go together to a combination of new moments that decide the peace and war of my life and determine over those who used to steal moments from us.


We don't know all those who left trace in history almost because we don't know why they did that,
but when we go through their experiences we find we had common interests though we haven't evolved ours yet.
Everyone wants to make something to make one different from others and all want to be that.


 We need to set free our thoughts either by realizing them or by saying them,,and our ability sometimes has limits but if we couldn't use words to say them we can't produce more thoughts then and we lose our balance ,,we feel depressed.


Every dearth turns into rareness in our personality if we could replace it with something that  we make ourselves.


within our conflict


To aim for something is not only to keep an eye on what you aim for but it's also to keep an eye away from what could tempt you.


To cry for someone who makes you cry should be a circulation of same motive.


It doesn't matter where you are,, but it does matter how you think. Though we may change our place trying to adopt new mind,,but the mind should adapt anywhere if principles were reliable.


It has never been late to begin to love someone you hated before and never late to let him know but not after he have left this world because  it would be under other conditions.





If we would miss something make us happy
probably it would not be what we have now
but it would be what we gave to others when we had much of it.

get use of

There are some chains that we can not break but to prove that we are stronger than them we should make something else from these chains ,,because no chains can put limit for our imagination.


Chances should not come across ways  to you,,sometimes you have to transform difficulties into chances if you see them as lack that  you should compensate.


I'm between my presence and my past....
I'm between today and yesterday....
I'm between events and accidents...
I'm among people without features...
I don't know really who gave me a smile and who gave me tears...
I don't know if life was a gift or just a burden...
And I don't see any clear view through my window at present...


Once in my past I have been so sensitive towards your sorrow and anger like if I have taken them to myself to prove that I'm not guilty. Now I have done everything to make your sorrow and anger less but I think I still need more to make these feelings less within me.

cry but nobody hear

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